
  1. More Efficient Lattice-based OLE from Circuit-private Linear HE with Polynomial Overhead (ePrint) - Castro, D.Kim, M.Kim, K.Lee, S.Min, Y.Song
  2. TopGear 2.0: Accelerated Authenticated Matrix Triple Generation with Scalable Prime Fields via Optimized HE Packing (ePrint) - H.Cha, I.Hwang, S.Min, J.Seo, Y.Song
  3. Ring-LWE based encrypted controller with unlimited number of recursive multiplications and effect of error growth (arXiv) - Y.Jang, J.Lee, S.Min, H.Kwak, J.Kim, Y.Song
  4. Functional Bootstrapping for Packed Ciphertexts via Homomorphic LUT Evaluation (ePrint) - D.Lee, S.Min, Y.Song
  5. Faster TFHE Bootstrapping with Block Binary Keys (ePrint) (ASIACCS 2023) - C.Lee, S.Min, J.Seo, Y.Song
  6. Towards Practical MK-TFHE: Parallelizable, Key-Compatible, Quasi-Linear Complexity (ePrint) (PKC 2024) - H.Kwak, S.Min, Y.Song
  7. Convergence Of The Sequence kn-p And Its Properties (Link) - Dissertion

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